Monday, 26 March 2012


The average Easter egg has around 530 calories, but when you add on the goodies in the centre, or around the egg it probably totals a whopping 1,000 calories!
If you are watching your weight that's most of your calorie allowance for a whole day!
So what do you, or your family do?
Well, exercise will help.... Running at 5mph for 90 minutes should do it, but that's pretty tough going!
May advice would be limit yourself to just one easter egg & consider various different activities over the Easter weekend to burn off the excess calories.
Leisurely swimming & cycling burns around 200 calories per 30 mins, & walking 1 mile in 20 minutes will use up about 100 calories. At home vigorous housework (vacuuming, scrubbing, moving furniture) or serious gardening (digging, raking, moving pots) can add up to 350 calories in an hour. And a spot of DIY will help too! If you have children just get outside for a walk or play games - everyone will feel the benefit!
My other tip, is if you can't trust yourself with milk chocolate, go for dark chocolate - the higher the cocoa content the better. You'll find a smaller amount will satisfy your chocolate cravings!

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


Most people require between 1-2 litres of water per day to help their body function properly. You should drink water even when you don't feel thirsty; by the time you do, you will be dehydrated.
A human body is between 50- 75% water, & this is lost when breathing (approx 1/2 litre can be lost through breath alone!) sweating & passing urine.
Right now you can tell if you've drunk enough so far today. Put your hand on a flat surface & pinch the back of it - it should snap back into place. If it doesn't, you are probably dehydrated!
Another simple way to tell is by the colour of your urine. A dark colour is a sign of dehydration. Very pale yellow or straw coloured is what you're aiming for.
Even mild dehydration can cause headaches & loss of concentration, so sip water little & often to get you through the working day.
My advice is have a large bottle of water with you during the day - on your desk, in your car & also carry a small bottle in your bag for when you are on the go. And try to cut your caffeine intake because it acts as a diuretic , causing the body to lose water.
Also up your fruit & vegs intake - they are 80-90% water & good for you!
Oh & don't forget.... drinking water often curbs your appetite & is calorie free - win : win!

Happy drinking!